Brilliant Era Glass Promotional Booklets
During the Brilliant Era, several glass cutting companies produced and distributed promotional booklets intended to stimulate demand for their products. It's often useful to know more about how these companies attempted to shape marketplace perceptions about their products. Some of these booklets also contain images useful in pattern identification or dating.
We've found and made available several cut glass promotional booklets. Each one listed below is online for your research and enjoyment. With each booklet, there is a brief introduction followed by a section of page images
C. Dorflinger & Sons, “Cut Glass and Imitations” n. d. (circa 1895-1901)
The Name T. G. Hawkes Means Quality 1959
Hawkes Cut Glass “Romance” Booklet n. d. (1896 or later)
Hawkes Crystal Glass n. d.
The Pairpoint Mfg. Co, Gift Suggestions 1900
Tuthill Cut Glass Co., The Connoisseur 1910